Become a member

why membership is important

  • Being a PTO Member simply gives you the right to vote for any motion made at a regular PTO meeting. 
  • You are never required to attend meetings or volunteer. However, we do think there is great value in serving as a volunteer at our school and we hope that everyone will take the opportunity to make a difference!
  • Regular PTO meetings offer parent education and a variety of important topics and events.
  • PTO membership helps unite GHMS staff members, teachers and hundreds of parents in our community as partners and advocates in our children’s education.
  • 100% of your dues stays a GHMS.

am i committed to volunteer?

  • Not at all!
  • Volunteer opportunities range in duration and we leave it up to you to decide what you can do.  We will post volunteer opportunities as we have them available.  

pto membership dues - join & pay online only

  • Join and pay online - we will not be accepting cash or check payments, no exceptions. 
  • $10 for 1 parent
  • $18 for a family
  • $5 for GHMS Faculty/Staff